Thursday, July 7, 2011


If drugs could talk

by *Komahokaru

If drugs could talk

Every day I watch you bleed
Your dying gasp is all I need
Everyday I watch you cry
Until one day I'll watch you die
It's your fault your in this mess
Wanting to be cool just like the rest
Because you listened to your peers
I've now become your worst of fears
I'll kill your dreams and eat your soul
Soon one day I'll swallow you whole
I grin and laugh because you're mine
I'll walk with you until the end of time
Fear me child and soon you'll see
That never again will you be free
Getting rid of me is harder then you know
Doing drugs, getting high is the all time low
But you don't care, you wanna look cool
But on the inside you're nothing but a fool
You laugh and you sing, sing your happy song
Because in your own eyes you're doing no wrong
But you're doing worse then that, much more pain
Having to take pills just to keep sane
Lets fast forward to the day you die
You had no time to say goodbye
For in this coffin your dead body lay
Your weeping family, all they had to say
Is that you were so young when you took your last breath
They never even knew that drugs would be your death
They never saw the signs, not the sickness or tears
They didn't know you hurt from the gossip of your peers
That very same gossip that took you so far
The very same gossip that gave you your scar
The pain in your head just wouldn't go away
So you took drugs but the pain still stayed
Your heart was beating louder your thoughts at a lack
You never saw it coming, your first hear attack
The first and the last, it was the end of you
Never even guessed, never had a clue
If I could talk, that's what I'd say and
Don't do Meth or I swear you'll pay
I went through a lot of this myself

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