Thursday, July 21, 2011

thurs am

met a friend last night before the meeting. We went out to eat before the meeting. It was good to see him again. I don't really like a lot of the people at the meeting. They all get in their little klics and they are there for the wrong reason. I get that in my head even though I know it is judgmental. I don't concern myself much wether they like me or not I don't really care that much anymore. I go there to help the people that are in treatment. I try and ignore the other bullshit although sometimes it is hard. I did help somone who has been in treatment a week. His sponsor was there but he asked me to get a better answer to what was bothering him. I was able to help him and it felt good. It makes it so much easier to ignore the bullshit. I have met some new people in the other fellowship and have gotten to know some others better. Talking to other people really makes a difference for me. If I don't have someone to talk to or focus my energy I get depressed and in my head.

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